Inspirationen till mina arbeten hämtar jag ur den botaniska världen och tolkar naturens växlingar på mitt eget sätt. Jag varierar finstämda färger och olika strukturer, former och material så att varje smycke får sin egen unika karaktär. Jag deltar regelbundet i utställningar men tar också gärna emot individuella uppdrag.
Every jewellery piece is created individually. Their delicate forms are inspired by natures seasonal vicissitudes. I vary finely tuned colours and different textures, shapes and materials to bring out the unique character of each jewellery piece. I regularly participate in exhibitions, but I also enjoy to receive individual assignments.
Silver/oxidized/goldplated in combination with precious stones, freshwater pearls or polylactide.

Foto: Sara Danielsson
Foto: Sara Danielsson
Foto: Sara Danielsson
Foto: Sara Danielsson
Foto: Sara Danielsson
Foto: Sara Danielsson
Silver, oxidized or goldplated in combination with precious stones.

Necklaces, "De fyra #", 2016, spring, summer, autumn, winter
Silver/oxidiezed, in combination with precious stones, polylactide or porcelain

Jewellery with polypropylene
Silver/oxidized/goldplated in combination with precious stones, freshwater pearls and polypropylene.

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